Aug 26, 2013

Foodshed Vancouver: Agricultural Planning for Food System Resilience

How much land does it take to feed Vancouver? Could Vancouver produce all its own food? What would that look like? What should I plant? How much will it produce? How much compost will I need to replace lost nutrients? How can I communicate an agricultural plan to others and document the process for future land stewards?

 In this interactive and hands-on workshop, we'll explore food security at a global, regional, local and farm scale, considering the production capacity of each. We'll speak to the issues surrounding food system energy inputs and outputs, and empower participants with planning and communication skills to do something about it in their community, on their farm, in their back yard or on their patio.

Time: September 8, 2013 from 2:30pm to 5pm Location: UBC Vancouver Website or Map: http://foodshedvancouver.even… Event Neighbourhood and Type: workshop Organized By: James Richardson Latest Activity: 2 hours ago
Sponsored by Village Vancouver as part of our FED-AP Community Food Resiliency Project (a Project in partnership with the Vancouver Food Policy Council and the Museum of Vancouver). Register here: