Jun 20, 2013

As the Food Security and Literacy Community Developer for South Vancouver Neighborhood House I attended:

From Here to There 3: Stories of Food, Energy, and Transitioning to Resilient Communities on June 19th 2013

What is the future of food in Vancouver, especially as cheap energy sources peak and climate change intensifies? In partnership with the Vancouver Food Policy Council and Village Vancouver Transition Society, MOV is pleased to host an interactive evening of inspirational stories and storytelling from local innovators, practitioners, and community members that encourage people to think about our local circumstances and how we can map a course for change here in Vancouver.

A group of wonderful speakers and storytellers spoke. Each of them spoke eloquently about their personal connection and history with food justice and food security.

Click on the links and find out a little more about them!

Sara Dent from Young Agrarians and Farm love


Marc Schutzbank (Fresh Roots)

Naomi Steinberg (Storyteller)








Cease Wyss (T'Uy'Tanat, UNYA)

After the speaker we broke into small groups and each group worked on developing a narrative regarding various food security topics.